Friday, August 12, 2005

May 28th 1988

“ Yesterday I had to practice my new dance routine, which I still don’t have. I’m having a hard time finding the steps, although I already have the song...”
"One more thing, yesterday I stuffed myself with pizza in school, and at home. I know, I know...I feel sooo guilty but It was Friday and I got carried away.”

This was a frequent sentiment I had. It was a fierce dilemma. At that age, we shouldn’t have to worry this much about our weight and figure, but it happens with most teenagers, it’s a fact. I don’t even remember the role models at the time, but I remember vividly disliking my body. So exercised a bit, but didn’t accomplish much weight loss because I had a hard time with diets, I enjoyed eating (and still do) and when I deprived myself from the things I liked, I got depressed.
I’m running through the next pages and I’m realizing how much I wrote! Most of the things aren’t really relevant, but a few things caught my attention, like for example, I noticed how many sleepless nights I had. I suffered from insomnia, and I don’t even remember this.